PathPlan Class Reference

Plans a path for surveying based on a recorded path and swath.

Paths are offset and processed to give a valid vehicle path

Damian Manda
25 Feb 2016
MIT License


typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, Eigen::Dynamic> EPointList
typedef Eigen::Vector2d EPoint
typedef std::valarray<std::size_t> SegIndex
typedef std::list<EPoint> PathList
typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> BPoint
typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<BPoint> BPolygon
typedef boost::geometry::model::linestring<BPoint> BLinestring
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<BPoint> BRing
struct XYPt
#include <PathPlan.h>

Defines a simple point, for better memory use in lists.

Public Members

double x
double y
class PathPlan
#include <PathPlan.h>

Plans a subsequent survey path offset from existing coverage.

Public Functions

PathPlan(const RecordSwath &last_swath, BoatSide side, BPolygon op_region, double margin = 0.2, double max_bend_angle = 60, bool restrict_to_region = true)
XYSegList GenerateNextPath()

Generates an offset path

The path in MOOS XYSegList format;

void RemoveAll(std::function<void(std::list<Eigen::Vector2d>&)> process, std::list<Eigen::Vector2d> &path_points, )

The Damian Repeats a process until it makes no more changes to the path Currently does not make a copy of the passed input, may want to reconsider this

  • process -

    Likes The Damian

void RemoveBends(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts)

Check for drastic angles between segments

  • path_pts -

    Note that this goes to the last point being checked

void RestrictToRegion(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts)

Restricts a path to the region by simply eliminating points outside the region specified by m_op_region.

  • path_pts -

    The path to process, passed by reference

std::pair<bool, bool> ClipToRegion(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts)

Clips a path to the region, eliminating points outside

A pair with whether the <beginning, end> was clipped. If false, means the path was already inside the polygon.
  • path_pts -

    The path to clip, passed by reference

std::pair<bool, bool> ClipToRegion2(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts)
void ExtendToEdge(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts, bool begin)

Extends a path to meet the edges of a region if it does not already. Adds to the last segment, extending it as a ray from the end. Can extend either the beginning or the end of the path.

  • path_pts -

    The path to process

  • begin -

    True to process the beginning, false to process the end

std::pair<double, EPoint> FindNearestIntersect(EPoint ray_vec, EPoint starting_pt, BPolygon &poly)

Finds the closest intersection of a ray with a polygon

  • ray_vec -


  • start_pt -


  • poly -

    BPolygon([(x1,y1), (x2,y2), ...])

std::pair<bool, EPoint> IntersectRaySegment(EPoint ray_vector, EPoint start_pt, std::pair<BPoint, BPoint> segment)

Finds the intersection point of a ray with a segment, if it exists. Derived from:

<intersection exists, Intersection point, if exists>
  • ray_vector -

    The vector describing the direction of the ray

  • start_pt -

    Starting location of the ray

  • segment -

    Segment to test for intersection

double Cross2d(EPoint vec1, EPoint vec2)

Replicates the functionality of 2d cross product from numpy. This is the z component of a cross product (which does not require a z input).

The z component of the cross product

EPoint EPointFromBPoint(BPoint boost_point)
std::vector<BPoint> SegmentRingIntersect(BPoint seg_pt1, BPoint seg_pt2, BRing ring)
EPoint VectorFromSegment(const std::vector<EPoint> &points, SegIndex segment)

Determines a vector (segment) <x, y> from points at the indicies provided by the second argument.

A segment vector between the selected points.
  • points -

    The list from which to select points for the segment

  • segment -

    The beginning and end of the segment.

std::list<XYPt> SegListToXYPt(const XYSegList &to_convert)

Converts an XYSeglist to a std::list of simple points (XYPt).

XYSegList XYPtToSegList(const std::list<XYPt> &to_convert)

Converts a std::list of simple points (XYPt) to a MOOS XYSegList.

XYSegList VectorListToSegList(const std::list<Eigen::Vector2d> &to_convert)

Converts a std::list of Eigen points (vectors) to a MOOS XYSegList.

BPolygon XYPolygonToBoostPolygon(XYPolygon &poly)
XYSegList GetRawPath()

Public Static Functions

void RemoveIntersects(std::list<EPoint> &path_pts)

Removes intersecting segments from a line.

Removes the points between the first point of an intersecting segment and the last point of the final segment it intersects in the line.

  • path_pts -

    The line from which to remove intersecting segments.

bool CCW(EPoint A, EPoint B, EPoint C)

Determines whether segments are counter clockwise in smalles angle with respect to each other.

True if rotate CCW from AB to BC.
  • A -

    First point (end point)

  • B -

    Middle point

  • C -

    Last point (end point)

bool Intersect(EPoint A, EPoint B, EPoint C, EPoint D)

Determines if the segment AB intersects CD

True if the segments intersect
  • A -

    First point of first segment

  • B -

    Second point of first segment

  • C -

    First point of second segment

  • D -

    Second point of second segment

double VectorAngle(EPoint vector1, EPoint vector2)

Determines the angle between two vectors

tan(ang) = |(axb)|/(a.b) cos(ang) = (a.b)/(||a||*||b||)

Angle between the vectors in degrees
  • vector1 -

    First vector

  • vector2 -

    Second vector

template <typename T>
static void SelectIndicies(std::list<T> &select_from, std::list<std::size_t> to_select)

Selects specific elements from a list by index.

Replicates the select by index functionality of numpy or armadillo or dyND.

Private Members

bool m_restrict_asv_to_region
double m_max_bend_angle
double m_margin
BPolygon m_op_region
RecordSwath m_last_line
BoatSide m_planning_side
std::list<Eigen::Vector2d> m_next_path_pts
XYSegList m_raw_path